The Editor
Actually my age and knowledge are too young to have my own site in this homepage. But i don't like to make you wondering WHO AM I. So i decided to take a few space in this site to put some of my resume.
I was born in Kota Kinabalu Sabah MALAYSIA, and staying with my family in one of the Kota Kinabalu area named Bambangan Village:) .My higher education is only finish my secondary school with "standard level result"..:) I am only taking part of my time to working with the net. Actually i am doing this only for my pratical lesson.
I am a member of under "Please Don't ask about it". I just trying to make this site to be listed in internet websites higher list to win some award.hehe:)
And for your information. This site are listed on newbie top100 list. And i will keep trying my best to update and to make this homepage up to top ten list..hehhehehe:).
That mean i got to add more stuff and update all the information in this sites.
Maybe in this situation i need your suggestion and incoming information to update this sites from time to time so please do not hesitate to email me. Please visit this page to see the latest result of top100 list standing.
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